Digital and Information Literacy

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The below provides valuable resources and guidance to enhance students’ proficiency in navigating the digital landscape and effectively utilizing information in today’s information-driven world.

Importance of Digital and Information Literacy in higher education

Digital and Information Literacy (D&IL) skills are essential for students in higher education as they navigate an increasingly digital and information-rich world. In today’s technology-driven society, the ability to effectively find, evaluate, analyze, and ethically use digital information is crucial for academic success and lifelong learning.

D&IL is essential for research, information synthesis, and effective communication of findings. Equipping students with skills to critically assess the credibility and reliability of sources, discern valid information from misinformation, and make informed decisions. These skills are not limited to a specific field of study but are applicable across disciplines and highly valued by employers, as they are integral to professional success in today’s workplaces.

By integrating D&IL into the curriculum, faculty equip students with the necessary skills to succeed academically, professionally, and personally in the digital age. It empowers students to engage in lifelong learning, and become discerning consumers of information, as well as active contributors to a knowledge-based society.

Digital and Information Literacy Framework at GIHE

The below framework provides faculty with a comprehensive guide for integrating D&IL skills across the curriculum, encompassing essential components such as information seeking, critical evaluation, ethical use of information, digital communication, collaboration, and digital citizenship.

Faculty members are encouraged to assess how the framework’s domains align with their courses and disciplines, benefiting from a common language and shared expectations that promote collaboration and consistency in the development of D&IL skills.

Integrating the framework into course design involves designing assignments that require students to engage in information seeking, evaluation, and synthesis, as well as integrating technology tools and resources to enhance digital communication, collaboration, and information management.

The Library & Information Services department offers faculty comprehensive support and resources, including workshops, individual training sessions, and access to digital literacy resources, to facilitate the effective implementation of the D&IL framework into their instructional practices.

By collectively embracing and implementing this framework, we foster a culture of D&IL excellence across GIHE, empowering students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and information fluency skills that will serve them in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Strategies and approaches for enhancing Digital and Information Literacy at GIHE

To support faculty in enhancing students’ D&IL skills, here are a range of strategies and approaches that can be integrated into teaching practices. These strategies aim to foster active engagement, critical thinking, and practical application of D&IL skills in the learning environment.

Embedding D&IL skills within the course content and assignments

By incorporating research projects, case studies, or group activities that require students to navigate and evaluate sources, faculty can provide meaningful opportunities for skills development. Additionally, encouraging students to critically analyze and discuss the reliability, credibility, and bias of information sources fosters a deeper understanding of D&IL concepts. The below Rubric 

Collaboration with the LIS and Learning Support team

The LIS and Learning Support team can provide guidance on effective search strategies, evaluation techniques, and citation practices. They can also assist in designing speceific research guides, organizing in-class workshops, or offering one-on-one research consultations for students and faculty. We can support faculty in integrating relevant digital tools and platforms that enhance students’ information-seeking and digital communication skills.

Creating opportunities for hands-on practice

Faculty can incorporate interactive activities, simulations, or online modules that allow students to explore digital resources, practice evaluating information, and develop technical competencies. Providing access to online databases, scholarly journals, and other reputable resources equips students with valuable materials for research and analysis.

Foster a collaborative learning environment by promoting peer-to-peer interactions

Encouraging students to engage in discussions, group projects, or online forums facilitates knowledge sharing, critical thinking, and the exchange of diverse perspectives. This collaborative approach encourages students to learn from each other, explore various digital resources, and develop effective communication skills.

Enhance your own D&IL competencies

Taking advantage of the professional development opportunities and workshops available for faculty, will help staying up-to-date on the topic and serve as role models and better support students in their D&IL development. These sessions typically provide insights into emerging technologies, innovative teaching strategies, and effective assessment methods.

By implementing these strategies and approaches, faculty can empower students to become proficient and responsible digital and information literates. Students will gain the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape, critically evaluate information, and effectively communicate their ideas. Through intentional integration of digital and information literacy skills, GIHE aims to equip our students with the tools they need to succeed academically, professionally, and personally in our increasingly digital world.

Digital and Information Literacy learning outcomes and rubric at GIHE

The D&IL learning outcomes and rubric provides a guide to the assessment of students’ skills, covering key areas such as retrieval, evaluation, synthesis, digital communication, citizenship, and ethical use of information. Adaptable to different disciplines, the outcomes enable faculty to customize them while maintaining a shared foundation. It outlines the knowledge, abilities, and dispositions that students should attain as they progress through their educational journey.

A rubric accompanies the learning outcomes, providing a structured tool for evaluating students’ performance and identifying areas for support or instruction. Faculty can gain insights into varying skill levels, allowing tailored instruction and fostering continual growth.

By aligning assignments, projects, and activities with these learning outcomes, allows faculty to create meaningful learning experiences that foster the acquisition and application of digital and information literacy skills. Regulary assessment using the rubric implies ongoing evaluation and feedback, which enables students to track their own progress and identify areas for improvement.

Through intentional instruction, assessment, and feedback using the outcomes and rubric, faculty can play an essential role in developing students’ proficiency in these crutial skills, ensuring that our students graduate with the necessary digital and information literacy competencies to thrive in their academic, professional, and personal lives.

Self-paced Moodle course: Basic Information Literacy

The LIS team has prepared an independant and self-paced course on Moodle. It is available to all students and faculty here: 


Further resources

Association of College & Research Libraries. (2016). Framework for information literacy for higher education. ALA.

Association of College & Research Libraries. (2019, June 13). ACRL framework for information literacy toolkit. ACRL.

Association of College & Research Libraries. (2000). ACRL standards: Information literacy competency standards for higher education. College & Research Libraries News, 61(3), 175-183.

Reedy, K., & Goodfellow, R. (2016). Digital and information literacy framework. The Open University.

UNESCO. (2023, April 20). Information Literacy. UNESCO.

United Nations. (2015). Goal 4: Quality education. The Global Goals.