
Supporting smarter learning

Efficient Learning

Learn smarter, learn more

Assignment Planning

Plan for successful assignments

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Critical Thinking

Develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making

AI for Learning

Enhance your learning using AI

Academic Writing

Build effective arguments, develop quality writing

Referencing Skills

Master APA referencing

Academic Integrity

Access Academic Integrity page


Guidance videos

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Supporting smarter learning

Efficient Learning

Learn smarter, learn more

Assignment Planning

Plan for successful assignments

Search Strategies

Find relevant and reliable sources

Critical Thinking

Develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making

AI for learning

Enhance your learning using AI

Academic Writing

Build effective arguments, develop quality writing

Referencing Skills

Master APA referencing


Guidance videos

Watch a series of short videos to get a quick overview and understanding on several topics

Book individual appointments

Get personalized guidance and support with your studies!

Contact us

Critical Thinking

Develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making