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How can I get my textbooks?

How to use VitalSource Bookshelf?

How to connect to the Databases?

Where can I find a place for individual study?

Where can I find a place for group work?

How long can I keep a document from the library?

How many documents can I borrow from the library?

How many times can I renew the documents I borrowed from the library?

How can I renew the documents I borrowed from the library?

Can I reserve a book from the library?

How can I search a book in the physical collection?

What is the library catalog?

I got reminders from the library. What should I do?

I lost a document from the library, now what?

What happens if I damage a document from the library?


How can I see the sample dissertations or ABPs?

What is peer-reviewed?

What databases do I have access to?

What is EBSCO Discovery Service?

What is SAGE Research Methods?

What is SAGE Business Cases?

What is STR Share Center?

What is WGSN Insight?

How do I formulate a research question?

How can I identify the keywords in my assignment?

How do I identify what information I need?

What is a title search?

What is a word search?

How can I identify equivalent words or synonyms, which could be used for the search?

What is a primary source?

What is a secondary source?

What is a tertiary source?

How can I determine if my source of information is primary, secondary or tertiary?

What is explicit information?

What is implicit information?

What are academic sources?

What is Mendeley?

What is Zotero?

What is Academic Phrasebank?