GIHE Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT):
Empowering Your Success
Library Resources
Unlock a world of knowledge with our extensive library resources.
Educational Development
Transform your teaching with our comprehensive support and resources.
Research Support
Take your research to the next level with our expert support and services.
Collection Development
Shape our collection and expand your resources with our collection development program.
Staying Current
Stay ahead of the curve with our current awareness tools and services.
Contact us:
The Library & Information Services team:
The Learning Support team:
GIHE Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT):
Empowering Your Success
Library Resources
Educational Development
Research Support
Collection Development
Staying Current
Library Resources
Unlock a world of knowledge with our extensive library resources.
Educational Development
Transform your teaching with our comprehensive support and resources.
Designing my course
Delivering my course
Assessing learning
Providing effective feedback
Providing learning resources
GIHE learning, teaching and assessment philosophy
Writing learning outcomes for GIHE courses
Designing online learning resources
Some verbs for writing learning outcomes and assessment criteria
HOTS & Bloom
Deep and surface learning
coming soon
Guiding principles for assessment design
Formative and summative assessment
Thinking about assessment – reflective questions for assessment design
How to use assessment criteria
How to write assessment criteria
Some verbs for writing learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Aligning assessment tasks with Bloom’s taxonomy verbs
Using reflective writing as an assessment tool
coming soon