Teaching & Learning Resources - a bibliography

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This comprehensive bibliography encompasses a wide range of educational materials and references available in the GIHE Library on the Bulle campus or online in electronic format. This carefully curated collection aims to serves as a valuable resource for lecturers seeking to enhance their teaching methodologies and promote effective student learning.


Behler, A. C. (2023). Leading dynamic information literacy programs: Best practices and stories from instruction coordinators. Taylor & Francis.

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Biggs, J., Tang, C., & Kennedy, G. (2022). Teaching for quality learning at university (5th ed.). McGraw Hill.

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Clark, D. (2020). Artificial intelligence for learning: How to use AI to support employee development. Kogan Page.

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Cottrell, S. (2023). Critical thinking skills: Effective analysis, argument and reflection (4th ed.). Bloomsbury Academic.

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Cottrell, S. (2022). The study skills handbook (5th ed.). Bloomsbury Academic.

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Eaton, S. E. (Ed.). (2022). Contract cheating in higher education: Global perspectives on theory, practice, and policy. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Eaton, S. E. (2021). Plagiarism in higher education: Tackling tough topics in academic integrity. ABC-Clio.

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Fitzpatrick, D., Fox, A., & Weinstein, B. (2023). The AI classroom: The ultimate guide to artificial intelligence in education. TeacherGoals Publ.

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Johnston, D., & Lopez, I. (Eds.). (2022). The Wiley handbook of collaborative online learning and global engagement. Wiley.

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Marr, B. (2022). Future skills: The 20 skills and competencies everyone needs to succeed in a digital world. Wiley.

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Rettinger, D. A, & Bertram Gallant T.  (2022). Cheating academic integrity: Lessons from 30 years of research. Wiley.

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Zakraisek, T. D., & Nilson, L. B. (2023). Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college instructors (5th ed.) Wiley.

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