Check list of key features in reference list
BACKCheck list for APA style end of text reference list
1. The reference list starts at the top of a new page: YES / NO – Insert page break
Tab Insert / page break

2. The title of the reference list is the single word References which is centred: YES / NO –

or Paragraph / Indents and spacing / Alignment / Centred

3. The reference list is double spaced: YES / NO – Paragraph / Line spacing / Double

4. The references all have a hanging indent: YES / NO – Paragraph / Indentation / Special / Hanging

5. Each reference follows the general format: YES / NO –
Author name. Publication date. Title of the work. Publication data.
6. The reference list is ordered alphabetically by family name (surname) of first author: YES / NO –
a. Alphabetize letter by letter and remember “nothing precedes something”: Brown, J.R., precedes Browning, A. R.,
b. One author entries by the same author are arranged by year of publication, the earliest first:
i. Upenieks, V. (2014).
ii. Upenieks, V. (2016).
c. If there is no author, move the title to the author position, and alphabetize the entry by the first significant word of the title.
d. In a reference to an edited book, place the editors’ names in the author position and enclose the abbreviation Ed. or parentheses after the last editor’s name. The period follows the parenthetical abbreviation. (Eds.).
For more detail about Author and Editor Information see sections 9.7-9.12, (American Psychological Association, 2020, pp. 285-289).
Publication date
7. The publication date is correct: YES / NO –
a. Give in parentheses the year the work was published.
b. For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the year and exact date of the publication (month or month and day), separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses: (2020, May) or (2021, March 7).
c. If no date is available, write n.d. in parentheses: (n.d.).
d. Finish the element with a period after the closing parenthesis.
For more detail about Publication Date Information, see sections 9.13-9.17, (APA, 2020, pp.289-291).
8. The title is correct: YES / NO –
a. Article or chapter title: Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns; do not italicize the title or place quotation marks around it. Finish the element with a period.
i. Example:
Hospitality and tourism in the Russia and China: A historical analysis.
b. Periodical title: Journals, newsletters, magazines: Give the periodical title in full, in uppercase and lowercase letters. Italicize the name of the periodical.
i. Example: The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
c. Nonperiodical title: Books and reports: Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns; italicize the title.
i. Example: Deegan, C. (2013). Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education.
d. Nonroutine information in titles: If Nonroutine information is important for identification and retrieval, provide it in brackets immediately after the title.
i. Examples:
a. [Audio podcast]
b. [Brochure]
c. [Motion picture]
d. [Video webcast]
e. Finish the element with a period.
For more detail about Title Information, see sections 9.18-9.22, (APA, 2020, pp.291-293).
Publication Information / Source
9. The reference contains the correct publication information YES / NO –
a. Periodicals: Journals, newsletters, magazines:
i. Give the volume number after the periodical title; italicize it. Do not use Vol. before the number.
ii. Give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number; do not italicize it. Give inclusive page numbers on which the cited material appears.
iii. Finish the element with a period.
Example: The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 16, 508-522.
b. Non periodicals: Books and reports:
i. Give the name of the publisher in as brief a form as is intelligible. Omit superfluous terms such as Publishers, Co., and Inc.
ii. Finish the element with a period
Pergamon Press.
For more detail about Publication / Source information, see sections 9.23-9.37 (APA, 2020, pp.293-300).
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).