by Caroline Martin-Mahrez | 31.Oct.2022 | APA tips
BACK ^ APA tip n°6 See here how to reference a table or a figure (graph, photograph, etc.) that you have used in your work. Explore our online learning support resources on the library website. Contact...
by Caroline Martin-Mahrez | 31.Oct.2022 | Learning Support tips
BACK ^ Learning Support tip n°6 You need to use information produced by experts to guarantee the quality of your own work. A very valuable source of information are peer-reviewed academic journal articles. However, they are not always easy to read and understand....
by Caroline Martin-Mahrez | 31.Oct.2022 | Library tips
BACK ^ Already found an internship or still having interviews? Check out our “Job Selection / Interview / CV / Career” section in the library collection on the Bulle...
by Caroline Martin-Mahrez | 31.Oct.2022 | General News
BACK ^ In Celtic mythology there are 2 seasons, the bright season and the dark season. The end of the Celtic year is the night of the 31st of October, and the celebrations start at sunset and last for 24 hours. In Ireland, the festivities would carry on for...
by Caroline Martin-Mahrez | 24.Oct.2022 | APA tips
BACK ^ APA tip n°5 This is how you format the reference list entry for An academic journal article Explore our online learning support resources on the library website. Contact...
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