APA tip 14

APA tip 14

BACK ^ APA tip n°14 When in doubt, consult the library website on how to reference each type of document. Explore our online learning support resources on the library website. Contact...
Learning Support tip 14

Learning Support tip 14

BACK ^ Learning Support tip n°14 Revise for exams with friends – it’s more fun! Set a time limit for the session – 30 / 45 / 60 minutes. Agree to focus on one topic and switch off social media notifications. “Teach” each other the things you need to learn – if...
APA tip 14

APA tip 13

BACK ^ APA tip n°13 Working on final projects? Use this handy Check list of key features in reference list to produce a perfect APA style end of text reference list! Explore our online learning support resources on the library website. Contact...